photographed by Tian Gebing
Cloud Tongues
They say mother tongue is the language you count in. But I count in all languages. Hierher, hierher, nicht links, nicht rechts, nicht vorne, nicht hinten, aber hierher, hast du keine Angst? 一二三四 cinc sis set ocho nueve. One speaks a language best when drunk. “师傅我去中央美术学院。” 我的名字叫白小云。My name is Hannah, my chinese name is petit núvol blanc. My mom says, “lo que tienen las nubes, es que no las puedes meter en una caja”. Mein seltsamen Lungen, wie sich spreizende Pfauen. When I don’t want to be understood, I speak Mandarin. They are all entangled in a way. 母语在哪里?Com comença un a oblidar la seva pròpia llengua materna? Yo, que ya he luchado contra toda la maldad/ 它与我们在一起,它像我们一样,Tengo las manos tan deshechas de apretar/ 它是我们的手指, Que ni te puedo sujetar/ 它是我们对世界的脸。 Vete de mí...
(Text source: Hannah O’Flynn, Susanne Göße, Zhang Zao, Homero Expósito)
About the protagonist
Hannah O'Flynn
Born 1994 in Barcelona, working as an artist and curator. She speaks Catalan, Spanish, German and English as somehow native language. Besides, she partially Mandarin, and bad Portuguese. She studied French and completelly fails to speak it. She received her primary and secondary education in Barcelona, and later her higher education in the UK, PR China and the Netherlands.
With Hannah O'Flynn, Liu Chao, Hannah Luise Jäkel, Wang Yanan
About collaborating performers
Liu Chao
Performance artist, translator, dramaturg, curator. I speak Mandarin-casted Chinese as native language. Speaking English and fragments of other languages brings me closer to Chinese. The gaps between native languages and in translation make habitable my supposed-to-be mother tongue that is ideologically coded.
Hannah Luise Jäkel
My name is Hannah Luise, born 1987 Germany. After studying and working as a contemporary dancer I now guide physical mobility more toward hands and face, becoming a sign language interpreter. My love for cycling and curiosity for sustainable fabrics led me to set up my label PINABERLIN, where I create bike bags in a slow-motion manner. Above that, I fell in love with Aikido, which loyally attends my life through the last ten year's ups and downs. I am currently living in Berlin and Magdeburg.
Wang Yanan
Dancer and choreographer. Graduated from Beijing Dance Academy and first soloist in the National Oriental Sing and Dance Company ensemble, national award winner, collaborated for a decade with the renowned Living Dance Studio and founded in 2004 Le Se Dance Studio. She has been a vital part of all Paper Tiger projects since 2001, on stage and behind the scene. As director she created “Seven Seas” in 2018.
表演 白小云 刘超 Hannah Luise Jäkel 王亚男
Hannah Luise Jäkel
我叫Hannah Luise,1987年生于德国。我从当代舞的学习和多年工作背景走出,把身体的活动能量更多地引向双手和脸,我成了手语翻译。我热爱自行车,对可持续性的纺织物充满好奇,所以我创立品牌PINABERLIN,用慢动作的视野制作自行车包。此外我爱上了合气道,在过去十年起伏的人生轨迹里,合气道忠诚地陪伴着我的生活。我目前住在柏林和马格德堡。
舞者、编舞,毕业于北京舞蹈学院,前东方歌舞团主要演员,获国家级大奖,与生活舞蹈工作室合作十年,2004年成立乐涩舞蹈工作室。自2001年起加入纸老虎戏剧工作室深度参与所有项目创作和表演。 2018年执导当代儿童剧场作品《七个大海》。