3. Part of Kafka Trilogy - 10.000 Noodles for Kafka
Finissage Exhibition

Throughout the summer, from June to August 2024, the Paper Tiger Theater Studio operated a noodle bar on Oderberger Straße in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, as part of a special theater project – “10,000 Noodles for Kafka.” On August 31, after three months, this “Theater in the Far-Off and Noodle Bar at the End of the World” suddenly vanished as if it had never existed. During these three months and 92 days, thousands of bowls of noodles were served, countless people gathered, exchanging tastes and words related to Kafka and beyond, in the summer heat, which eventually faded into the air and minds.
Returning to the original idea of the project: Like any theater performance, it has a beginning and an end. “10,000 Noodles for Kafka” had its premiere on June 3, Kafka’s death anniversary. The project will officially conclude from September 26 to 28, the dates when Kafka last visited Berlin. This “going” and “coming” forms the internal cycle of the project. These three days of the “finale” will take place in a familiar space next to Immanuelkirchstraße in Prenzlauer Berg, in the form of a small exhibition.
Immanuelkirchstraße was one of the first streets in Berlin that Kafka longed for. Why did he long for this place? The answer will be revealed in the exhibition.
In addition to the exhibition, which will showcase some materials from the 92 days of the noodle bar/theater project, there will also be ongoing opportunities to buy and eat noodles.
Dates: September 26–28, 2024, 2 PM to 9 PM
Location: Immanuelkirchstraße 2b, 10405 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg

地点:Immanuelkirchstraße 2 b,10405 Berlin Prenzlauer-Berg

final performance
28.08.2024, 7 P.M.
Wrapping up 92 days of unforgettable moments at “10,000 Noodles for Kafka” at our fictional noodle-location on Oderberger Straße 14, Berlin. Nearly TEN THOUSAND guests from all over the world have joined us in creating unique life and theater experiences!
Join us for the final performance on Wednesday, August 28 at 7 PM! It will take place in front of the noodle location, which will also mark a farewell to this place.
Numerous performers from Paper Tiger and their friends will stage a performance combining dance, theater, and live music. The event is free of charge and will take place outdoors – you are all warmly invited!
Mark your calendars: On September 24, we’ll host a small exhibition at Immanuelkirchstraße 2b, 10405 Prenzlauer Berg, concluding the journey of the entire project!
2024年8月28日, 19点
纸老虎在柏林Oderberger.Str,14的虚构面馆里进行的历时性剧场项目“为卡夫卡的一万碗面”,已经历时近三个月。在三个月92天里,有近一万位来自世界各地的食客、观众和形形色色的人们出入这个“远在天边的剧场和世界尽头的面馆”,共构了无数生活和剧场的难忘片段。在面馆时间走完前的28号(周三)下午七点,在面馆门前将举行一个结束和告别面馆的演出。有众多纸老虎的表演者和它的朋友们将奉献一场混合舞蹈、戏剧和音乐的表演。免费户外,欢迎你到来。号外:在9月24号,将有一个关于这个面馆的小型展览在Immanuelkirchstraße 2 b,Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg 10405 进行,

Special Lecture by Christoph Lepschy
on Paper Tiger's
Kafka Trilogy
26.08.2024, 6 P.M.
Tea Session
26.08.2024, 7 P.M.
Special Lecture by Christoph Lepschy: Join us at 6 PM on August 26 for a detailed exploration of Paper Tiger Theater Studio’s Kafka Trilogy. Christoph Lepschy will discuss the intricate connections between Franz Kafka’s literary works and the studio’s theatrical productions, and explain the thematic significance of hosting “10,000 Noodles for Kafka” in a restaurant setting.
Christoph Lepschy is a dramaturg and professor at Mozarteum University Salzburg, with a background in Literature and Theatre Studies from Munich and Dublin. He has collaborated with renowned directors across Europe and specializes in contemporary Chinese theater. Since 2012, he has worked with Paper Tiger Theatre Studio Beijing/Berlin, contributing to various international theater projects and festivals. His work also includes developing international academic collaborations and he has published extensively in the field of theater.
🍵 Franz Kafka Drinks Tea: Following the lecture, at 7 PM, immerse yourself in a unique tea session featuring Cordula “Beimake” Paetzel, Thomas Halle, and Linchi Yang. Experience live Guqin music and short story infusions that vividly bring Kafka’s themes to life.

Berlin Cancel Filmfest
02.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
The „Berlin Cancel Film Festival“ or the „Cancellation of the Berlin Film Festival“ is an unexpected event in the ”10,000 Noodles“ project by Paper Tiger, which spans three months in Berlin. In this temporary, fictional noodle venue and theater, private and public spheres merge, and Busanbusi-characters pile up. Arrows fly wildly around, penetrating both the noodle venue and various ”themes outside the context“ and ”marriages outside of marriage.“
This ”Cancel Film Festival“ is likely the only one in history that uses „cancellation“ as a bait, from start to finish, to push the concept of the film festival to the absurd. In the noisy environment of „10,000 Noodles,“ film screenings and noodle cooking happen simultaneously, blending reality and dreams.
Even if no films are shown or no one attends the screenings, it is not an issue. The only criterion for selecting films at this festival is that they must be playful, spontaneous and without any rambling.
The news spread, and many volunteered—all outstanding filmmakers who became allies in Paper Tiger‘s ”solo battle“ in Berlin. In an era marked by empty rhetoric, political correctness, and cancel culture, choosing ”cancellation“ as the theme is like toasting with a cup of poison that you have poured for yourself. After the shattering of the cup, the call to action follows!

“柏林取消电影节”或“取消柏林电影节”是纸老虎在柏林历时三个月的“一万碗”项目里的意外发生。在此临时虚构 餐厅和剧场里,公私域交织,不三不四意象人物堆叠。万箭乱发,万箭穿过餐厅和面条,穿过各种“题外题”“婚外婚”。这个“取消电影节”,恐怕是史上唯一以“取消”为饵,为始终,为“玩死电影节”的概念电影节。在一万碗的噪音环境里,观影与煮面起飞,现实共梦想一色。甚至不观影不放片也在所不辞。本次电影节,选片标准唯:玩得起,不废话。消息出,惠允者众,皆为各类电影杰出作者,皆为纸老虎在柏林“单挑”行动的助力豪杰。在这个废话累牍,正确诛心,取消文化盛行的当下,自取“取消”,也是自斟毒酒的一次举杯。然后,摔杯为号!

Writer's Kitchen
Yan Geling's Noodles
Round 3
As part of Paper Tiger Theater Studio‘s “10,000 Noodles for Kafka” project, we’re hosting the third round of our Writer’s Kitchen featuring
Yan Geling’s Noodles. After two successful sessions in June and July, celebrated writer Yan Geling will return to our Berlin noodle-location/theater on August 14th at 7 PM for her final appearance.
Following a screening of her film “Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl”at 5:30 PM, Yan will discuss her work’s relationship with cinema. She will also personally prepare seven bowls of noodles, representing seven authors from the Berlin Cancel Film Festival, seeking seven lucky guests to join her. Additionally, Yan will be signing copies of her latest book, available for purchase at the event.
🌟Oderberger Str. 14, 10435 Berlin.

„Busanbusi“ Film Festival
July 16th - 25th, 2024
Starting in the third week of July, our Kafka-Noodle-Location at Oderberger Str. 14, 10435 Berlin, will host the „Busanbusi“ Film Festival, featuring six films. The term „Busanbusi“ translates to ‚neither three nor four‘, a concept from the I Ching where each hexagram is divided into six lines 爻 ( yáo ). They represent the six stages of the development of things. The third and fourth lines are in the middle between the sixth line and symbolize the correct and great paths. But „Busanbusi“ implies a deviation and disorder. So, what caused such disorder or deviation?
The „Busanbusi“ Film Festival will feature films that tread paths of disorder and deviation. These films are an exploration of „disorder“ and „deviation“ both in their themes and through the filmic language they employ. The films that deviate from the norm, along with the festival’s setting in a noodle bar or as part of a theatre project, constitute a deviation from the typical format of a film festival.
第一爻: Bamboocene: I WANT TO BUILD A ROCKET Monika Czyżyk 2022
第二爻: We Were SMART Li Yifan 2017
第三爻: Is it possible for lightning to be disciplined?
Ma Yongfeng 2024 + OK! Immigrant Theatre Version, Wang Ji 2023
第四爻: Berlin-Sarajevo Micha Stella 2019
第五爻: 20210309GIRL.cn Dai Tao 2021
第六爻: Heart Chamber Fragments Paper Tiger Theater Studio 2021
Come to join BuSanBuSi film festival in Kafka Noddle Bar, it’s also a performance!
☕️This is a self-funded project. Please donate on-site; any amount (5-50 Euro) helps.

第一爻: Bamboocene: I WANT TO BUILD A ROCKET Monika Czyżyk 2022
第二爻: We Were SMART Li Yifan 2017
第三爻: Is it possible for lightning to be disciplined?
Ma Yongfeng 2024 + OK! Immigrant Theatre Version, Wang Ji 2023
第四爻: Berlin-Sarajevo Micha Stella 2019
第五爻: 20210309GIRL.cn Dai Tao 2021
第六爻: Heart Chamber Fragments Paper Tiger Theater Studio 2021
☕️ 这是一个自筹资金的项目。欢迎现场捐赠;
任何金额(5-50 欧元)均有帮助。

"10.000 Nudeln für Kafka"
- Küchen von Schriftsteller*innen:
Yan Geling's Nudeln
Runde 2
"10,000 Noodles for Kafka" - Writers' Kitchen:
Yan Geling's Noodles
Round 2
Auf der Welt gibt es zehntausend Schriftsteller*innen, aber wahrscheinlich nur eine, die Nudeln auf der Straße verkauft, und das nicht nur einmal, sondern zum zweiten und dritten Mal. Diese Bestsellerautorin tut dies natürlich nicht, um sich über Wasser zu halten, sondern wegen Kafka und ihrer Wertschätzung für Paper Tiger. Um den "Einzelkampf" des Paper Tiger Theaters in Berlin zu unterstützen, hat Yan Geling, die treue Freundin von Paper Tiger, wiederholt den Kochlöffel geschwungen und den Verkauf übernommen. Eine Schriftstellerin wie sie ist in unserer Zeit einzigartig.
In dieser zweiten Runde gibt es "Yan Geling's Nudeln" im taiwanesischen Stil mit Rindfleisch. Dazu wird sie Auszüge aus ihrem Roman "You touched me" vorlesen.
Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024,
18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Oderberger Straße 14,
10435 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
There are ten thousand writers in the world, but probably only one who sells noodles on the street, not just once, but for the second and third time. This bestselling author does this not to make ends meet, but out of respect for Kafka and her admiration for Paper Tiger. To support the "solo battle" of Paper Tiger Theater in Berlin, Yan Geling, a loyal friend of Paper Tiger, has repeatedly taken up the ladle and overseen the sales. A writer like her is unique in our time.
In this second round, "Yan Geling's Noodles" will be served in Taiwanese style with beef. She will also read excerpts from her novel "You Touched Me."
Wednesday, July 10, 2024,
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Oderberger Straße 14,
10435 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
2024年7月10日 (周三)下午6点——8点。
柏林 Prenzlauer Berg,
Oderberger Straße 14,10435

Partitura 1 of Forum Program
curated by Jan Linders
”My grandfather used to say: Life is astoundingly short. To me, looking back over it, life seems so foreshortened that I scarcely understand, for instance, how a young man can decide to ride over to the next village without being afraid that -not to mention accidents- even the span of a normal happy life may fall far short of the time needed for such a journey.“ The next village, 1919
The Chinese brew their tea astoundingly short - but repeatedly. With each minute-long infusion, the tea changes its taste. Tea expert Cordula ”Beimake“ Paetzel @beimakechinatea and actor Thomas Halle @herr_halle invite you to experience the art of tea and the art of Kafka at the same time - serving Pu Erh tea and shortest stories from a fleet of tea boats. The evening will also feature live Guqin music by Linchi Yang @guqin_linchi .
📅 Date: July 8th
⏰ Time: 7:00 PM
📍 Location: Oderberger Str. 14, Berlin
Partitura 1 des Forum Programms
kuratiert von Jan Linders
„Mein Großvater pflegte zu sagen: Das Leben ist erstaunlich kurz. Rückblickend erscheint mir das Leben so verkürzt, dass ich kaum verstehe, wie ein junger Mann beschließen kann, in das nächste Dorf zu reiten, ohne Angst zu haben, dass – von Unfällen ganz zu schweigen – selbst die Spanne eines normalen, glücklichen Lebens weit kürzer sein kann als die Zeit, die für eine solche Reise benötigt wird.“ Das nächste Dorf, 1919
Die Chinesen brühen ihren Tee erstaunlich kurz – aber wiederholt. Mit jeder minutenlangen Infusion verändert sich der Geschmack des Tees. Tee-Expertin Cordula „Beimake“ Paetzel @beimakechinatea und Schauspieler Thomas Halle @herr_halle laden Sie ein, gleichzeitig die Kunst des Tees und die Kunst von Kafka zu erleben – es wird Pu Erh Tee und kürzeste Geschichten von einer Flotte von Teebooten serviert. Der Abend wird auch von Live-Guqin-Musik von Linchi Yang @guqin_linchi begleitet.

"10.000 Nudeln für Kafka"
- Küchen von Schriftsteller*innen:
Yan Geling's Nudeln
"10,000 Noodles for Kafka" - Writers' Kitchen:
Yan Geling's Noodles
Am Dienstag, den 18. Juni 2024, um 18 Uhr, lädt die temporäre Nudel-Location und Theater von Paper Tiger die renommierte Schriftstellerin Yan Geling hier in Berlin ein, um in der Paper
Tiger Küche ihre meisterhaften Kaltnudeln in Szechuan-Art zuzubereiten. Es wird auch eine kleine Signierstunde ihrer Werke geben. Essen Sie Geling-Nudeln, lesen Sie Geling-Bücher, alles an diesem kommenden sonnigen Dienstagnachmittag. Das ist ein Theater in weiter Ferne! Das ist eine Nudel-Location am Ende
der Welt! Das ist... Nudeln essen in unmittelbarer Nähe.
Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024,
18:00–20:00 Uhr
Oderberger Straße 14,
10435 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 6 PM, the temporary noodle location and theater by Paper Tiger in Berlin will host the renowned writer Yan Geling. She will prepare her masterful Szechuan-style cold noodles in the Paper Tiger kitchen. There
will also be a small signing session for her works. Enjoy Geling's noodles, read Geling's books, all on a sunny Tuesday afternoon.
This is a theater in the far distance! This is a noodle venue at the end of the world! This is... eating noodles in close proximity.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024,
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Oderberger Straße 14,
10435 Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
柏林 Prenzlauer Berg,
Oderberger Straße 14,10435

🐉Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival!🛶
Zongzi (Bamboo Dumplings) Making Workshop
Join us for a hands-on experience in crafting traditional bamboo dumplings, a staple of the Dragon Boat Festival.
📆Date: June 9
🕐Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
🎬Sessions: 3 (Each session: 1 hour)
🎡Location: Oderberger Straße 14, 10435
Workshop Host: Ophelia Lam @ophelia_fish
🧶Workits one hour (45 minutes for making, 15 minutes for greeting and clean-up).
👭Capacity: Maximum of 6 participants per session.
👛Cost: €38 per person (Includes all materials).
🫔Make & Take: 5 Zongzi per participant.
• Sticky Rice
• Marinated Pork Belly
• Salty Egg Yolk
• Dry Thick Shiitake Mushrooms
• Green Beans
• Dry Shrimp
• Bamboo Leaves
Opening Performance, 03. June 2024, 7 P.M.
Join us for the opening of “10,000 Noodles for Kafka” on the 3rd of June, 2024. Our three-month-long project,
the last episode of Paper Tiger Theater Studio’s Kafka Trilogy, is designed to honor the 100th anniversary of
Franz Kafka’s passing.
This is a special theater project taking place in a noodle location in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, and will last for
three months. The opening takes place on Kafka's death anniversary and ends on September 24, the day Kafka was last in Berlin. It's a dual adventure, bringing together life and art independently of the usual art institutions.
Artist Ai Weiwei has also designed unique elements for this temporary noodle location of Paper Tigers, adding another narrative dimension to the Kafka theme. At 7 p.m. on the opening day, there will be dance and theater performances.
Kommen Sie zur Eröffnung von „10.000 Nudeln für Kafka“ am 3. Juni 2024. Unser dreimonatiges Projekt,
die letzte Episode der Kafka-Trilogie des Paper Tiger Theater Studios, ist konzipiert, um den 100. Todestag von Franz Kafka zu ehren.
Dies ist ein besonderes Theaterprojekt, das in einem Nudel-Location in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, stattfindet und drei Monate dauert. Die Eröffnung findet am Todestag von Kafka statt und endet am 24. September, dem Tag, an dem Kafka zum letzten Mal in Berlin war. Es handelt sich um ein doppeltes Abenteuer, das Leben und Kunst unabhängig von den üblichen Kunstinstitutionen zusammenbringt. Der Künstler Ai Weiwei hat auch einzigartige Elemente für dieses temporäre Nudel-Location des Paper Tigers entworfen, die eine weitere narrative Dimension zum Thema Kafka einfließen lassen. Um 19 Uhr am Eröffnungstag wird es Tanz- und Theateraufführungen geben.
Oderberger Str. 14, 10435 Berlin
Opening Night Schedule:
🕖 19:00 - Performance.
🕢 19:40 - Speech by the Director
Tian Gebing, including the introduction
of the program and the unveiling of a
secret art piece.
🕗 20:00 - Communal Dining
Opening Night Details:
📅 Date: 3 June, 2024
⏰ Time: From 19:00
📍 Location: Oderberger Str. 14,
10435 Berlin
No Reservations for Opening Night
are needed. Seating is yet limited.
From the 1st of June, 2024, we welcome
you to visit us during our regular hours:
🕚 Mon - Fri: 11:00 - 22:00
🕚 Sat - Sun: 11:00 - 23:00

On April 22, 2024, signed a lease agreement with the bar.
Begin of a new adventure