10,000 Noodles for Kafka (June - September 2024)
10.000 Nudeln für Kafka

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Nudeln für Fremde aus überall auf der Welt
Noodles for Strangers from All Over the World
From June 3rd to August 31st, 2024, Paper Tiger
is hosting "10,000 Noodles for Kafka" in Berlin,
a theater project where people can invite someone in Berlin to enjoy a portion of Kafka noodles.
Participants can creatively describe the person
they want to invite, and these descriptions will be displayed online and at the noodle location. If the described person shows up, they get the noodles.
In 1923, Kafka spent his final year in Berlin with Dora Diamant, experiencing his happiest moments and dreaming of a future in Palestine. By March 1924, his tuberculosis worsened, and he returned to Prague, where he died a few months later. The centennial of Kafka's death in 2024 has sparked global commemorations. Reflecting on his doubts about identity and belonging, contemporary individuals are invited to continue his diary in multiple languages, drawing parallels between past and present conflicts.
This coincides with the final chapter of Paper Tiger Theater Studio's Kafka Trilogy, "10,000 Noodles for Kafka," held in a Berlin noodle location and featuring unique elements by artist Ai Weiwei. The event includes recording diaries to create a comprehensive record, merging art, life, and the theme of unfinished quests.

Kunstauktion von ''K"
Art Auction of "K"
Ai Weiwei has created this artwork "K" specifically for the duration performance "10,000 Noodles for Kafka", which is the final installment of the Kafka Trilogy by the Paper Tiger Theater Studios. Ai's artwork is one of the two narrative lines in this three-month theater project. The artwork will be unveiled at the opening performance on June 3, 2024, and will be exhibited on-site for three months. Additionally, other works by Ai Weiwei will be on display at the performance venue.
Oderberger Str. 14, 10435 Berlin
From the 1st of June, 2024, we welcome
you to visit us during our regular hours:
🕚 Mon - Fri: 12:00 - 22:00
🕚 Sat - Sun: 12:00 - 23:00

About the project:
On June 3, 2024, in commemoration of the centenary of Kafka's death, Paper Tiger will launch "10,000 Noodles for Kafka”, the final piece of their eight-year Kafka trilogy. It is both an everyday noodle-location and a time-based performance project. Over a period of three months, ten thousand people who come to eat become ten thousand performers.
To foster various inevitable or accidental relationships between us and Kafka through the act of preparing, serving and eating noodles in Berlin, where Kafka lived for six months before his death, is in itself Kafkaesque: questions linger unanswered and actions unfold without resolution.
The "Ten Thousand Bowls" noodle-location and theater plays out from the disjunction point of performance and life, to provoke the distinction between art and life, the mundane and the remarkable, the past and the future. Concurrently, it sparks contemplation
on what we choose to commemorate and how we commemorate.
Kafka once said: "Basically I am Chinese and I am going home." The three months with ten thousand bowls are a kind of alms donation to fulfill Kafka's spiritual wishes. Ten thousand bowls of noodles mix ten thousand Kafkaian mumblings, ten thousand mouths, ten thousand bodies, and ten thousand unknown stories spanning time.
This noodle-location/theater will close on September 26, the day Kafka arrived in Berlin one hundred and one years ago.
Am 3. Juni 2024 jährt sich der Todestag von Kafka zum hundertsten Mal. An diesem Tag wird das "10.000 Nudeln für Kafka" eröffnet, der letzte Teil der achtjährigen Kafka-Trilogie des Paper Tiger Theater Studios in einer Nudel-Location in Berlin. Dies ist ein Altagsbar und zugleich ein Dauerperformance-Projekt. Über einen Zeitraum von drei Monaten werden zehntausend Menschen, die zum Essen kommen, zu zehntausend PerformerInnen.
Die Verbindung zwischen dem Kochen und Essen von Nudeln in Berlin, wo Kafka sechs Monate vor seinem Tod gelebt hat, und
den verschiedenen unvermeidlichen oder zufälligen Beziehungen zwischen uns und Kafka zu knüpfen, ist an sich schon kafkaesk: Fragen bleiben unbeantwortet, Handeln entfalten sich ohne Lösungen.
Dieses 'Zehntausend Schüsseln'-Nudel-Location und Theater provozieren die Grenzen zwischen Kunst und Leben, Alltäglichem und Großem, Vergangenheit und Zukunft, indem es den Schnittpunkt von Aufführung und Leben herausfordert. Gleichzeitig wirft es auf ironische Weise die Frage auf, was wir gedenken und wie wir gedenken.
Kafka sagte einst: "Im Grunde bin ich Chinese und gehe nach Hause.". Die drei Monate mit zehntausend Schüsseln sind eine Art Almosenspende, um Kafkas spirituelle Wünsche zu erfüllen. Zehntausend Schüsseln Nudeln vermischen sich mit zehntausend Kafkasche Gemurmel, zehntausend Münder, zehntausend Körper und zehntausend unbekannte Geschichten, die sich über die
Zeit erstrecken.
Diese Nudel-Location/Theater wird am 26. September, dem Tag, an dem Kafka vor einhundertundein Jahren in Berlin ankam, geschlossen.
Creative team:
Production/Social Choreography: Wang Yanan ,
Dramaturgy/Visual Design: Chen Shuyu, Forum Curation: Jan Linders
Assistant of the Director/Media Coordination: Li Jingwen,
Project Coordination: Gao Mingming, Wang Yuzun, Zhang Xiao
Artistic Coordination: Jiang Yongquan, Andreas Gedin, Chen Xiongwei
Translation: Xie Yuchen,
Project Assistence: Li Zelin, Liu Yexuan
Director: Tian Gebing, Martin Gruber
Videography: Tong Xin
论坛策划:杨-林德斯,导演助理/媒体企划 李靖雯,
导演:田戈兵,Martin Gruber,摄影:佟心
Paper Tiger & Friends:
(Names in no particular order,
Continuously updating)
王亚男Wang Yanan,陈淑瑜Chen Shuyu,李靖雯Li Jingwen,
王煜尊Wang Yuzun,张骁Zhang Xiao,王志元Wang Zhiyuan,
高鸣鸣Gao Mingming,陈雄伟Chen Xiongwei,
李健伟Li Jianwei,李泽林Li Zelin,刘叶萱Liu Yexuan,田戈兵Tian Gebing,
姜永泉Jiang Yongquan,Martin Gruber, Jan Linders,
谢雨晨Xie Yuchen,Andreas Gedin,Christoph Lepschy,
Elena Bechter,Raul Aranha,Oksana Chupryniuk,
Vera Pokorny,Marie Stremmel,王京晶Wang Jingjing,
佟心Tong Xin,王长鹏Wang Changpen,李秋影Chau Ying,Ophelia Lam,Gustaf Willnauer,
冯琬棋 Feng Wanqi,杨临池Yang Linchi